Entri ini untuk perempuan.

Pernah anda terbayang kalau kawan baik anda buka laci seluar dalam anda, apakah reaksi mereka terhadap pemandangan yang mereka bakal discover?Atau mungkinkah memang selama ini laci seluar dalam anda merupakan restricted area terhadap sesiapa pun (kalau benar, apakah mungkin sebabnya)? Lihat possible reaction seperti dalam video ini  .


Source: Google.

Macam mana nak maintain your panties to look nice and clean sentiasa seperti baru beli? Paling penting sekali, hygienic to be worn?

The idea is to line it with a pantyliner. Itulah function utama pantyliner and that is exactly why you should never forget to wear it, girls!

Brand yang makin diminati ramai perempuan (lebih-lebih lagi saya dan Club 10), Libresse, menawarkan produk pantyliner yang ekslusif. Ekslusif? How can pantyliner be exclusive?! Bila ia didesign khas untuk mengikut curve anggota badan terlibat! Selalukan pantyliner setepek straight aje, but not Libresse.

For more of their product info and updates, like their Facebook Page. While you’re at it do check out the contests yang sedang hangat berlansung, sebab hadiah ditawarkan memang seriously every girl’s dream. Dua contests itu adalah…

Go Quiz Crazy where you answer questions based on the video and Libresse itself.
And What’s in Your Drawer where you choose the prize you want and kumpul dan kerah your friends to vote!!!

Hadiahnya… like I said, every girls’ dream.

How to enter? 

Hanya beli product pantyliner Libresse like any of these two yang I ada nih either Slim Unscented and Super Slim Unscented. Both very very comfy to be worn all day.

Like their Facebook page! And join these two easy contests.

Quiz Crazy tips: Pay attention to the video for clues.

What’s In Your Drawer tips: Be nice to your friends, comment their pic, like their status, AND YOU MIGHT GET THEM TO VOTE FOR YOU. HAHAHA.

Goodluck girls!

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