Haircut Food Shopping

Hello! I've been harassed by some of you who tweeted a lot about me not updating on Kekna's wedding. But but... I gotta wait for the pics from official photographers! So can we wait together? Hewhewhew.

In the meantime, I wanna share the journey to Kekna's Big Day. One of which is me taking the boys for their haircut. They wanted potong kedai mamak, which prolly cost less than RM10 per head. Tapi sekali-sekala I figured why not treat them to the salon bagi thrill sikit reaching our sister's big day. Takkan the perempuan saja go to salon facial and spa kannn.

I brought them to my salon in Bangsar, thinking okay RM30 per head shouldn't be that bad. I only got three heads here with me. Then rupanya RM60, okay fine Shawn. Fine. Tapi kalau suruh junior hairstylists potong  boleh dapat RM40.

Shawn Cutler, we meet again.

I told the hairstylists just do what you think is best for them. Selamba je kan mentang-mentang bukan kepala sendiri. Yang adik-adik dengar, nak terkucil oh tidakkk rambut Sabak Bernamkuuu. Sepanjang diorang shampoo, massage scalp and potong rambut, takkanlah I nak duduk tercongok kat situ, naturally kaki melangkah menuju ke butik-butik terdekat.

Sepulangnya dahku dari beli-belah, adik-adik kelihatan lebih bertamadun :') Tapi results akan di show in other entry when I talk about bertandang session (God knows when...). 

Seronok  rasa dihargai bila masing-masing suka haircut mereka sobs sobs. Kakak yang gembira pun membawa mereka makan tengahari di tak lain tak bukan... (memang takde tempat lain dah ke)

Hello Delicious, we meet again.

You know I did some serious shopping when you see a new straw hat on my head.

Khairi kalau orang belanja dia memang camni. Takde malu-malu kucing terus lamb shank segedabak.

Good haircut, good food, good shopping (ehem), overall was a good day! See you in next entry!

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