Unlocking an LV handbag

My brand of toothpaste is here with another contest, ladies and gents. Darlie All Shiny White that is.

This is one of the easiest contests so far, especially if you’re like me, a loyal user of the Darlie All Shiny White. If you feel like pampering yourself with gifts, this could be the right move for you. As for me, my birthday is coming up *eyebrows up and down movement*, so lemme give it a shot. Maybe with it, I don’t have to spend so much money on my own birthday gift this time around hewhewhew (if you’re an avid reader, you would know I do that every year; shower self with gifts). 2011 terasa so fast-paced kan? Like, tup tup tup tup ha, another October to be celebrated! Because life been hectic hence rasa masa berjalan too cepat, I wanna find a little gift yang will pamper me, bagi I relaxation sikit.

For your own gifts, it's up to you nak choose apa, afterall it's the LV handbag that got you clicking this entry :P

Okay back to the contest. Now imma teach you how to unlock your gifts! Teach? More like upload the image of 4 simple instructions.

You can choose to unlock maximum of 3 gifts. After a certain number of people have unlocked it, you will stand chance to win :) Easy peasy.

I’ve set my eyes on these gifts…

Hmmm relaxation hmmm. Something to keep my mind off things. A worthy me-time moment, definitely the perfect pre-birthday gift.

Hmmm tummy satisfaction hmmm.

Hewhewhew but that's just me. You might like these...

Up to you, baby! Log on to All Shiny White now and unlock your gifts! Just try your luck, you’ll never know. If you’re new to Darlie All Shine White, may I recommend to you the one I’ve been using all this time, Darlie ASW Lime Mint. Freshest of the range, absolutely love the sensation it gives after every brush.

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