Are They Really Terrar?

Told ya you should have joined new project Dentyne Terrar-Oke. I was the guest judge for Week 1! Alongside chaotic duo, Afdlin Shauki & ...

Cinta tapi tak kenal?!

I am a muncher. Like when I do my work, mulut nak mengunyah. I read in Yahoo! article that it’s good if you always mengunyah. Doesn't m...

Kenapa lelaki suka bawa teman pergi kenduri kahwin?

Persoalan dan misteri kehidupan sebeginilah yang kita harus rungkaikan dari masa ke semasa. Kenapa, lelaki? Kenapa?! Penat tau I. Eh? Hihihi...

Declaring love to Daddy

Declaring my love... Sejujurnya, I’ve a great father figure in my life. Father figure itu of courselah Daddy saya. Saya tak selalu cakap pa...

Top Me-Time Moments : When Online

Websites yang I selalu curi-curi pergi bila stress! Dove Chocolate Malaysia has acknowledged my ♥ for its silky smooth mouth-watering sinfu...

Public parenting, can you do it?

Tak kira betapa penyabar dan lembut hati you are, admit it, kita semua ada masa-masa rasa nak mengamuk dekat parents yang anak dia bising ma...

Please teach your child a simple Please & Thank You, thank you.

A video we did when I was onlining and Arissa Demok had to come in front of the laptop, blocking the screen to kacau me tsk tsk. This semest...